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Settings Page

The settings page consists of several tabs across the top of the page, allowing you to view and change various user and account settings. Across the top of the page observe the following tabs:

User Settings

User Info

Observe the email address with which you created your account. If you wish to log out of your account, click the Log out button below your email address.

Access And Permissions

Grant account access

Click the Grant access button to grant temporary access to your account.

Authorization cloud key

Click the Get key button to obtain the authorization cloud key.

Notifications, Privacy Policy And Newsletter


Enable/disable push notifications. Enable/disable email notifications.

Privacy policy

Click the Open privacy policy button to open and read the privacy policy.


Click the checkbox to receive exclusive deals and latest information about Shelly products and Services on my email. Click the Save button to save any changes made.



Type in or select a language from the dropdown menu. Click the Save button to save any changes made.

Time zone

Type in or select the time zone from the dropdown menu, or click the Auto detect time zone button. Click the Save button to save any changes made.

Edit User Info

Change email

Type in your new email. Below this type in your new email to confirm it. Then enter your password, and click the eye icon if you wish to show/hide your password. Click the Save button to save any changes made.

Change password

Type in your old password. Type in the new password, and type it in again below to confirm it. Click the corresponding eye icon if you wish to show/hide your password. Click the Save button to save any changes made.

Delete Account

Click the Delete account button if you wish to delete your account.

App Settings

App Version

Observe the app version at the top of this page.

Lock Pin

Type in the lock pin, and click the Save button to save any changes made. Click the eye icon to show/hide the lock pin.

Change App Background

Change your app background by selecting a custom image or choosing a gallery background image.

Custom image

Set a custom image for the app background by clicking the Change image button, and then select an image from your gallery.

Gallery Backgrounds

Select the gallery backgrounds image you wish to set as the app background. Click the +6 button to observe more gallery background images.

Manage Images


Observe device images. Click the trash icon of any image you wish to delete.


Observe room images. Click the trash icon of any image you wish to delete.


Observe group images. Click the trash icon of any image you wish to delete.


Observe scene images. Click the trash icon of any image you wish to delete.


Observe alarm images. Click the trash icon of any image you wish to delete.

Amazon Alexa

Connect your account with Amazon Alexa. Enable Shelly Cloud Skill and link your account with Alexa to easily control devices with your voice. You can unlink your account from Alexa at any time, just disable Shelly Cloud Skills from Amazon Alexa app or from the Shelly app.

Click the Enable skill button to link your account to Amazon Alexa. By clicking this button, it will take you to your Amazon account.

Electricity Tariff

Electricity Tariff Details

Billing date

Select the billing date from the dropdown menu. Click the Save button to save any changes made.

Preferred currency

Type in or select from the dropdown menu your preferred currency. Click the Save button to save any changes made.


Click the Add tariff button to add a tariff. Type in the tariff name and tariff price. Click the Save button to save any changes made.

Observe the set tariffs and their corresponding price per kilo-watt-hour. Click the edit pencil icon on the right of the tariff box to edit the tariff name or price, and click the trash icon on the right to delete the tariff.


Observe the electricity tariff interval chart. Above the Intervals chart, you can select the time interval from which you want data to be shown. Below the Intervals chart, you can add an interval, and observe set intervals.

Add an interval by clicking the Add interval button. Observe the tariffs which have been set in the Tariffs section of the Electricity. Select the desired tariff, and click the Next button to navigate to the next page. Choose the weekday(s), and the time interval for your tariff Interval. Click the Save button to save your new interval.

Once the Interval has been created, it will appear as a rectangular box. On this box, you can see the Interval details such as the days of the week, time interval and the selected tariff. You can edit the Interval by clicking on the edit pencil icon on the right, and delete the Interval by clicking the trash icon on the right.


A Premium service is available, with many benefits and additional features. See Premium Service page for more details about the Premium Plan.

Premium Benefits

Observe the Premium service benefits.

Choose Plan

Choose a monthly (billed every month) or yearly (billed every 12 months) plan for the Premium service.

Plan Information

See your active plan: Basic Plan or Premium.


Invoice Details

Observe or edit the Invoice Receiver Type and Country.

Invoice History

Observe your invoice history.

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