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Shelly Motion 2 web interface guide

To connect to your Shelly Motion 2, connect your device to the Wi-Fi network with a name(SSID) like shellymotion2 - 84FD2772AA50. Use the universal IP address for all Shelly devices - to access your device's Web Interface, where you can set a Wi-fi network for the Shelly Motion 2 to connect to. Once done, through the app on your mobile device or through, you can go into the Settings and search for Device information. There you will find the Device IP and be taken to the Web Interface of Shelly Motion 2.

Read the full user installation guide to get started with your Shelly Motion 2.

General - Home page

In the web interface, you will see three icons at the top of the screen, including one for Wi-Fi and one for Cloud connection, as well as a lock icon, which shows whether the web interface of your device is protected by a password. If there is an established connection, the icons will be green. On the contrary, if the device is not connected, the said icon will be red.

In the home page of the Web Interface, you will see the motion sensor blind time remanining or motion detection status, tamper status, temperature and lux sensor readings, as well as the battery of the device.

Sensor control


This setting defines the level of illumination. If you feel the device’s default definition of the levels is inaccurate, you can adjust the value of each level, according to your preferences. There are two text boxes, one under Set dark and one under Set twilight.


Using the slider, you can adjust the device’s sensitivity for motion detection(between 1 and 256). Lower value sets higher sensitivity.


From here you can choose the amount of time in minutes your device doesn’t detect motion after the last detected movement. To set the value in minutes, type in a number between 1 and 1440 in the text box.


This setting sets the number of consecutive detected movements in order to report motion. This value can be set to a number between 1 and 4 with 1 being the default number of movements.


By default, Shelly Motion 2 detects motion in any illumination condition. From this setting, you can change the motion detection illumination condition from the drop down menu. The options are for motion detection to be activated only when the illumination condition is: ANY(default), DARK, TWILIGHT, BRIGHT.


The sensor will send a notification if it detects vibration. This will prevent your sensor from being removed from the wall or moved unnoticed. Using the slider, you can set a tamper alarm threshold value between 0 and 80, which will determine how strong and prolonged the vibration will be.


This setting allows you to disable motion detection, until you enable it manually.


Sleep time pauses the motion detection of the device. While this mode is active, the motion detection sensor will flash green but will not send notifications and will not perform actions. To choose the duration of the time your device will be in sleep mode, type in the number of seconds (maximum 86400) in the text box.the motion detection sensor will flash green but will not send notifications and will not perform actions.


Tick the box next to the temperature unit, which will be used to display the temperature in the web interface and in the mobile app or at You can choose either Celsius or Fahrenheit.


Weekly Schedules

This function requires a working connection to the Internet, so the device can synchronize the time. It allows you to create, view, edit, and delete schedules.

To create a schedule:

  • Select the day(s) of the week.

  • Choose a time interval: time, sunrise, or sunset.

  • Set the time for the specified day(s):

    • Time: Click the up/down button, or type in a number, to set a time in hours and minutes.

    • Sunset/Sunrise: The Shelly device may turn on/off (or do specified action) automatically at sunrise/sunset, or at a specified time before or after sunrise/sunset. Click the up/down button, or type in a number, to set a time in hours and minutes.

Internet & security


In this setting, you can connect your Shelly Motion 2 to your home network by selecting a Wi-Fi network and typing in its password or choosing an open network. Enable Wi-Fi 1, or Wi-Fi 2, or both at the same time. If both Wi-Fi 1 and Wi-Fi 2 are enabled, and the Shelly device disconnects from one of the networks, it will connect to the other. When connecting your device to your home network, you can also set a static IP address for your device to acccess it at.


Access point

Configure the device's AP, including switching it on or off, and setting a password. The access point of the device is an open network by default. The SSID is unique and cannot be changed.


If you enable this setting by ticking the box next to Restrict the web interface of the Shelly device with "Username" and "Password", you will be asked to type in a username and password, which you will then use to access the Web UI of the device. Once enabled, to disable it, untick the box and enter your login credentials once prompted.


SNTP synchronizes your device's system time with a server that has already been synchronized by another source. There is already a set server, which is the default one -, however, if there are any problems, you can easily change it and enter a new one in the text box. Changing this setting will reboot the device.


Configure the Shelly device to execute actions via MQTT. By default, MQTT is disabled, but you can enable it by toggling the switch. Changing these settings will cause the device to reboot. There are some other settings, such as RPC status notifications over MQTT (which enables you to communicate with your device through RPC notifications) and Generic status update over MQTT (to get an overall status update), which you can enable/disable by toggling the switches on their right. You can also enable SSL and type in your server, username, and password, but be aware that enabling SSL will hurt the battery life and most likely shorten it by half.


Tick the box next to Enable CoIoT to enable CoIot. You will then be prompted to enter a remote address.


Connecting your Shelly to its cloud allows you to control it remotely, and receive notifications and updates about your devices. The default for this setting is for the cloud to be enabled. If you disable the device cloud support, you will lose connection to your device from outside its local network!


Configure the actions for your device - create new actions, edit existing actions, or delete actions. When creating actions for your device you will need to specify the condition on which the action occurs. You can also set a duration for your actions, as well as a URL to be hit when the condition for the action is met.



The LED lights on your device signal when movement is detected, and depending on the colour and the speed of their blinking, they can tell you the mode your device is in - if its Access Point is enabled, or if it’s connected to your home network. If you wish to disable the signal lights, tick the box next to Disable LED lights.


In this setting, you can see your current firmware version as well as the available new versions. Check for updates and easily update your device to the newest firmware version.


Your timezone and location will be autodetected, but you can manually change them from this setting by choosing a timezone from the drop-down menu and typing in your latitude and longitude. There is also a button Auto detect location, which will make the device automatically detect the location once again if it failed the previous time.


To change the name of your device, simply type in your desired name in the text box.


If you want to bring your device's settings back to how they were originally, you can click the button Reset Device to reset the device to its factory settings. This will disconnect your Shelly Motion 2 from the Wi-Fi network and all associated users, including you, will be removed from this device.


By clicking the button Reboot under this setting, you can reboot your Shelly device directly from the Web Interface.


This setting makes your device discoverable/undiscoverable.


See your device’s ID, the Wi-Fi it’s connected to and the Wi-Fi RSSI.

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