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My Home Page

The Home page allows you to navigate between, configure, and create new Rooms, Groups, Scenes, Devices, and Alarms. Click on the tabs across the top of the page to navigate to the desired page.

Read about each page in more detail further down this page:

All Rooms

The Rooms page will show all the rooms you create. To the right of the page title “Rooms” observe three buttons: add, edit, and info.

Add room

Set a room name, and select a room image or upload your own. You will then be taken to the page of your room, and given the option to add a device. Your newly added room will appear on the Rooms page of your app. Once on the specific room page, click the Add Device button to add a Shelly Device to the room.


Edit the Rooms page. Click the move icon of the item you wish to change the position of, and drag it to the desired position. Click the edit icon of the item you wish to change. Click the trash icon of the item you wish to delete from this page. If you wish to exit Edit Mode, click the Exit Edit Mode button.

All Groups

The Group page will show all the groups you create. To the right of the page title “Groups” observe a dropdown menu to filter what groups are displayed on the page from specific rooms, and three buttons: add, edit and info.

Shelly Devices can be grouped with other devices in the application in order to control them together. Turn on/off all your devices at once by pressing the green/red power button of the group, or the up/down button if you have chosen to group together roller devices.

Add group

Make a Group by following these instructions:

  • Group name: Set a Group name, and select a Group image or upload your own.

  • Select Room: Select the room which you wish to choose the devices from, or use the search bar to find your desired room. Click the Next button.

  • Select type: Select the type of devices you wish to group. Choose the type of the devices your wish to group from the following options: Light / Relay / Roller / Thermostat. You can only group together devices with similar functionality.

  • Select device: Select the devices you wish to group together. Click the dropdown menu of the Room from which you wish to select a device, and then the checkboxes of the devices you wish to group. Click the Save button to create your group.


Edit the Groups page. Click the move icon of the item you wish to change the position of, and drag it to the desired position. Click the edit icon of the item you wish to change. Click the trash icon of the item you wish to delete from this page. If you wish to exit Edit Mode, click the Exit Edit Mode button.

All Scenes

Shelly Smart Control allows you to create scenes for automatic control of devices at predefined hours or based on other parameters like temperature, humidity, light, etc. (with available sensors in Shelly Smart Control). To the right of the page title “Scenes” observe a dropdown menu to filter what Scenes are displayed on the page from specific rooms, and three buttons: add, edit, and info.

Once your scene is created, click the power button to turn on/off a scene (a blue ring around the power button indicates the scene is on, while a grey ring indicates the scene is off). Click the green play button ▶︎ to execute your scene actions.

Add scene

Set the scene name, select a room, select an image or upload your own. Click the Next button. Select a room you wish for the scene to control, and click the Next button. Set scene conditions, actions and settings. Once you have completed setting up your scene, press the SAVE button at the bottom of the page.


  • Add condition: Add a condition for your scene. Choose from the following conditions:

    • Device based: Select a room and a device from the dropdown menus, and select a device property from the dropdown menu. Once the device property has been selected, choose the condition for when the Shelly Device is on/off. Select the option to watch the property as a Condition or a Trigger. If chosen as a condition, the desired device state is checked, but the scene is not activated. If chosen as a trigger, the desired device state is checked, and the scene is activated. If the trigger setting is selected, set the condition type as: Once / On any change / Repeatedly. Click the Save button to save this condition.

    • Time based: Once selected, you must choose the Time Based Condition from the dropdown menu:

      • timer: Create a timer for a scene to be executed every set number of minutes.

      • daily / weekly schedule: Create a daily or weekly schedule. Select the active day(s) and the start time. Type in, or use the up/down buttons, to set this time.

      • once: Select the date and start time.

      • Click the Save button to save this condition.

    • When automation runs: Select automation of a Scene / Alarm Zone from the dropdown menu. Select a room from the dropdown menu, and then select a scene (which you can set as a condition when the scene is completed). Click the Save button to save this condition.

    • Weather based: (Premium setting) Select the prediction period for the weather prediction from the dropdown menu. Then choose the weather condition from the dropdown menu. Click the Save button to save this condition.

    • Sunrise/Sunset: (Premium setting) Select the option for Sunset / Sunrise. Specify the time Before/After Sunrise/Sunset. Select the time in hours and minutes from the dropdown menus.

You can have multiple conditions set per scene. There are two options when adding conditions: “And” and “OR”. Once you create a condition, you can add another condition by clicking Add condition located below “And”. In this case all of the added conditions must be met in order for the scene action(s) to be executed. However, if you click the Add condition button below “OR”, then the scene action(s) will be executed if any of the conditions are met. You can add as many conditions as you want to suit your needs. Due to Shelly Devices having different functionalities, there are a variety of settings you can choose from to set up your condition.


Add actions to your scene to be executed when the set conditions are met. Select an action from the following options:

  • Device action: Select the room and device, and then configure action to device specific settings.

  • Notification: Select the notification type from the dropdown menu. Choose from the following options: Phone notification / Email notification / Add to event log / Notify Alexa.

  • Play automation: Select the room and scene to be executed.

You can add many actions to be executed at the same time by clicking the Add action button. Due to Shelly Devices having different functionalities, there are a variety of settings you can choose from to set up your actions.

Active time

  • Choose weekday: Select the day(s) of the week by clicking the corresponding checkbox.

  • Choose time interval: Click up/down button, or type in a number, to set a time in hours and minutes.

More settings

Click the checkbox to enable the scene. Click the checkbox to execute the scene on save or edit (this option is good for testing the execution of the scene’s actions).

All Devices

Observe all Shelly Devices linked to your account on this page. To the right of the page title “All Devices” there are three buttons: Update, Wi-Fi, and Info.

Once you have clicked the Update devices button, select the devices you wish to update by clicking the corresponding checkbox, and click the UPDATE button. Click the Exit update devices button to exit the update device mode. Once you have clicked the Wi-Fi icon, select the devices you wish to change the Wi-Fi for by clicking the corresponding checkbox, and click the CHANGE button. Click the Exit Wi-Fi batch change button to exit the Wi-Fi batch change mode.

Refine your search by applying filters such as selecting a specific room, and whether a device is Online / Offline, or directly use the search bar to find your desired Shelly Device. Click the + Show More filters button to refine your search even more.


To the right of the page title “Alarms” there are three buttons: add, edit, and info. Add and create alarms via the + add button in the top right corner of this page. Arm/disarm all your alarms at the same time using the buttons with the shield icons at the top of the page. Arm your alarms by clicking the the button with the green shield icon. Disarm your alarms by clicking the the button with the red shield icon. Individually arm/disarm an alarm by clicking its button with the shield icon.

Add alarm

Set the alarm name, select an image or upload your own. Click the Next button. Then select the Shelly Device(s) that will handle your alarm. Click the dropdown button next to the room name, and then click the checkbox of the Shelly Devices you wish to select. Click the checkbox to arm the alarm, and input the alarm notification message. Click the Save button to save your alarm. The alarm will show up on your “Alarms” page.


Edit the Alarms page. Click the move icon of the item you wish to change the position of, and drag it to the desired position. Click the edit icon of the item you wish to change. Click the trash icon of the item you wish to delete from this page. If you wish to exit Edit Mode, click the Exit Edit Mode button.

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