Shelly Pro 3EM Switch Add-on (the Device) is a galvanically isolated switch that extends the features of the Shelly Pro 3EM series of devices allowing the control of contactors or other electrical appliances.
Main applications
MDU (Multi Dwelling Units - apartments, condominiums, hotels, etc.)
Light commercial (small office buildings, small retail/restaurant/gas station, etc.)
Industrial (factories, power plants, water processing, refineries, etc.)
Agricultural (farms, barns, silos, etc.)
Simplified internal schematics
Device electrical interfaces
1 load circuit input I
1 load circuit output O
Add-on interface
Shelly proprietary serial interface
⚠CAUTION! High voltage on the add-on interface when the Device is powered!
Safety features
Internal temperature sensing and reporting
Supported load types
Resistive (incandescent bulbs, small heating devices)