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Connect Shelly H&T sensor to Home Assistant


These guidelines will help you add a Shelly device Shelly H&T sensor to Home Assistant. Please keep in mind that the process of connecting Shelly to Home Assistant is very similar and for other type of devices, but the steps slightly differs, that’s why on this article the focus is on Shelly H&T device only.

Follow these instructions to ensure your device is connected properly.


  • Home Assistance instance

  • A Shelly H&T Gen3

  • Ensure your Shelly device has the latest firmware installed.

  • 4хAAA batteries for the device if there are no already batteries inserted

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Batteries installation

First you need to open the Shelly H&T sensor and insert the batteries

2. Device setup - connecting to WiFi, Firmware update and settings configuring

Go to the laptop WiFi, select the Shelly H&T WiFi and connect to it


Go to device default IP and then go to Settings and then Wi-Fi


Then Enable Wi-Fi network and tick Manual type SSID, enter your network SSID and Password and Save the settings.


If you know your device IP you can skip this informational step, else from Settings go to Wi-Fi section. There you can see your IP


Note - if the device is already connected to a network you need to enter device IP address in order to access its settings. In addition the device case needs to be opened and you need to press the button so device can be accessed. This access will be for limited time - with 60 seconds idle time, after that you need to press the button again to access the web interface.

Make sure the device is updated to latest stable firmware version
Go to Settings - Firmware


Check for updates


Update the device if required


Next go to Settings and Outbound websocket


In the Outbound websocket settings click to Enable and enter the Server details (the URL in the 2nd screenshot below is example)


Next step is to disable Access Point - go to Settings and then Access Point

Disable the access point and Save


3. Home Assistance device inclusion

Go to your Home Assistant instance then Settings and Devices & Services


Find your Shelly Device


Add it to Home Assistant


In order to see entities - press the Shelly device button (Screenshot below shows the devices without entities)


Entities should appear


With that the process of adding your device to HA is complete.

Home page of Home Assistant -

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